Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

American Studies Research Group


The American Studies Research Group was formed in the Institute of History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Miskolc in October 2015. Its membership, however, is not limited to historians. In accordance with international trends, the research group takes a multidisciplinary approach in order to present a complex and multidimensional view of the problems and characteristics of the Americas. Therefore, it includes among its members lawyers and economists besides representatives of the liberal arts. True to its name, it conducts research encompassing all parts of the Americas. Studies of group members focus not only on the North American or Latin American regions but also deal with inter-American relations.


Head: Dr. Dorottya Sziszkosz-Halász



Tamás Vraukó (Modern Philology Institute, Faculty of Arts)

Anikó Raisz (Institute of European and International Law, Faculty of Law)

György Marinkás (Institute of European and International Law, Faculty of Law)

Zoltán Nagy (Institute of World and Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics)

Tekla Sebestyén-Szép (Institute of World and Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics)





Social History Research Group


The Social History Research Group was established in 2014 as an organization of the Institute of History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Miskolc. The academic interests of its members range in time from the late Middle Ages through the Early Modern Period to the Modern Age. Their studies examine the experiences of various social groups including merchants, noblemen, burghers, and children. The research group takes a multidisciplinary approach and welcomes cooperation with colleagues from related disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, literary science, etc.


Head: Attila Tózsa-Rigó, Associate Professor

Institute of History, University of Miskolc



Judit Balogh (Institute of History, Károly Eszterházy University)

Tamás Csíki (Institute of History, University of Miskolc)

Zita Horváth (Institute of History, University of Miskolc)

Gergely Kunt (Institute of History, University of Miskolc)

Árpád Tóth (Institute of History, University of Miskolc)